The Mysterion School is an opportunity to experience the living tradition of Sufism, to refine our knowledge, and to discover a structure to support our spiritual practice.
The Mysterion School is the realization of a longstanding dream to join with spiritual seekers and systematically explore the nature of our souls and the lifelong journey we’re on -- to join the practical with the metaphysical, to train our attention to remember what is truly essential, to awaken the essential self which is spontaneously in communion with the Divine.
The path to this Reality is through the discipline of Tassawuf, or Mysticism, defined in our glossary as “a faculty peculiar to the human being, that is neither obvious to the intellect nor to the senses, but depends on the refinement and receptivity of faculties within the supra-conscious mind.”
In Year 1 we dived into The Mysterion and discovered a panoramic view of human possibilities. Year 2 with Living Presence took us back to first principles, with a concentrated, crystalline language that reflected the subtleties of the soul’s experience. Join us for Year 3 in The Knowing Heart.